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Three years ago a door slammed shut and my life changed dramatically. Whilst shocking at the time, in retrospect this was the biggest universal kick-up-the-bum that I have ever received! Just as I said goodbye to a hugely significant chapter in my life, I was struck by a synchronous and life-changing experience.

One afternoon I was mysteriously led by a stranger towards a large, red, textured, sultry painting with the words “Wille” (will or intention) written boldly above it. On seeing the painting I had an immediate gut feeling that a divine path was opening up before me. I was being called to feel, own and fully express my fiery passion. To live my desire. To take giant leaps on that eternal human journey towards greater authenticity and self-love. To reclaim my wild, feminine spirit.

This liberating and enlivening poetry book is for you if you identify with and/or have an interest in the expression of the wild, feminine spirit. It takes you on a journey of Truth, Freedom, Fire, Pleasure, Self-Love and Love and allows you special access to a unique collection of inspiring live poetry recitals.

My deepest wish is that my poems will invite you to get closer to your emotional centre. To become more intimate with your own unique feminine spirit. To love yourself more. Great resilience and powerful transformation can be discovered through the expression of your essence. And wild can be anything you want it to be.

The Wild Feminine Spirit: Poems of Liberation and Love by Sam Allen


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